The Barque Lisbeth

The Lisbeth which arrived in the bay late on Thursday night from New York, is a splendid looking fourmasted barque of 2399 tons. She accomplished a very good voyage, and made some fast running, especially between the meridian of Greenwich and Cape Otway, an average speed of 10 knots per being maintained over this long stretch.The Lisbeth left New York on the 13th September, and crossed the Equator on the 19th October on long. 30 deg. 56 min. West. S.E. trades were carried to lat. 19 deg. South and long. 33. deg. West. The prime meridian was passed on the 59th day out in lat. 40 deg. 48 min. South and the easting was run down between the parallels of 43 and 44, under severe N.W. and W. gales which caused tremendous seas. Oilbags were freely used to quell the turbulent waves, but the vessel's decks were in a constant state of flood. She berthed at the Port Melbourne Town Pier yesterday morning.

Argus, Melbourne, December, 9, 1898.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius.

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