CLIPPERS. — A New York paper crows because the ship N.B. Palmer, built in New York, had beaten the Flying Cloud, built in Boston, on the passage from China. Capt. Cressey, of the Flying Cloud, when at Canton, wrote to a gentleman in this city as follows:

"You must not expect me to make a short passage, for my mainmast is badly sprung in three places, and my foremast is none of the best. I will fish the mainmast as well as I can, and trust to luck to get along; but I repeat, I cannot hope to make a quick passage."

The N.B. Palmer, in perfect order aloft, has beaten a lame duck, and over this the New Yorkers crow. But while they are in the vein, they may as well bear in mind that the small clipper ship Shooting Star, of this port, beat the N.B. Palmer handsomely, and without crowing.

Capt. Babcock, of the Swordfish, not satisfied with making the second best passage on record, from New York to San Francisco, in a letter to Lieut, Mauray, claims to have made the best, taking into consideration, then the pilot boats Fanny, which sailed from this port, has beaten the Swordfish out of sight. The Fanny is about 80 tons, and she made the passage in 103 days, and the Swordfish is 1034 tons, and made the passage in 93 days (and not 91 days, as Capt. Babcock reports.)

Boston Daily Atlas, April 8, 1852.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius.

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