Shipbuilding Facilities. -- A few days since we stated that Mr. McKay, of East Boston, was building, and about to build 17,000 tons of shipping to be completed in a year; we have since learned that he is about erecting an extensive saw and planing establishment in his upper ship-yard, for the purpose of dressing timber. The ground plan of the saw mill, &c., will be 150 feet long by 60 wide, and adjoining it an engine house. The main building will contain an upright saw and a long timber planer which will work the whole length of 150 feet, and besides these one of Woodworth's planers, and a knee planer. The whole of these will be worked by a steam engine of 150 horse power. Keel and keelson pieces, ceiling, planking, beams and knees, in the rough state, will come out of the mill, ready for immediate use. This will be a vast saving of manual labor, and will be more expeditious, and more uniformly perfect. The engine will also be applied to hauling heavy timber on board of the ships, such as beams, ceiling, &c. The engines will be made by Mr. George M. Bird; and Mr. Orville Leonard, of the firm of Leonard, Holden & Co., East Boston, will superintend the arrangements of the machines and engine. Mr. Leonard is well known as having superintended the construction of the steamer R.B. Forbes, and as having been her first engineer. He will doubtless see that his present undertaking is made as perfect as all his other works.
Boston Daily Atlas, 1854, March 28.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1999 Lars Bruzelius.