Capt. Warner.

Yesterday we had the pleasure of meeting Capt. Warner, formerly of the clipper ship Sovereign of the Seas. His ship has been sold to a Hamburg House, and is now under the Hamburg flag, loading in London for Sydney, N.S.W. Our readers will doubless recollect that an alarming mutiny took place on board of the Sovereign of the Seas, during the passage from Melbourne to London, and that through the firmness, prudence and skill of her captain, it was suppressed without loss of life, the mutineers ironed, and the ship brought safely into port. The mutineers designed to capture the ship, which had on board a large amount of treasure, and convert her into a pirate. No man placed in the same situation, could have acted with more promptness and humanity than Capt. Warner, and our only regret is, that the mutineers, owing to the English Courts refusing to take cognizance of their acts, were suffered to escape the penalty of their crimes. We hope our underwriters will not forget the valuable services of Capt. Warner. Although the ship while under his command had very unfavorable winds, she nobly maintained her reputation, compared with other clippers, as still the swiftest of the swift. On the passage from Liverpool to Melbourne, she beat the famous iron ship Gauntlet 12 days, and on the homeward passage she beat the steamer Harbinger 4 days, and all others from 20 to 30 days.
Boston Daily Atlas, 1854, Friday, June 23.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1997 Lars Bruzelius.