The 24th Improvement

Consists in securing a rim of metal to a wood sheave of a ships' block, which I do by drilling four holes in the rim, cutting four notches in the wood-sheave -- placing the rim upon the sheave, and then casting molten lead into the four holes, so as to fill up the notches and the holes.

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Shipwreck and Collisions at Sea greatly prevented by Christophers' Patent Improvements in Naval Archtecture. With four plates.
London: J. Olliver, 59, Pall Mall; P. Richardson, 23, Cornhill. Liverpool: Deighton & Laughton. M.DCCC.L. 8vo, (4), 112 p, 4 pl.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

Sjöhistoriska Samfundet | The Maritime History Virtual Archives.

Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius