Clipper Ships Built in the United States.

Rhode Island


Allen & Simpson

Launched Name OM NM Owner Port
1854 Haidee 395 E. Sanchez Doiz New York


Chase & Davis

Launched Name OM NM Owner Port
1853 Bk Gem of the Sea 372 New York
1853-10-04 Lookout 1291 E. Buckley & Sons New York
1854 Mary Ogden 969 G. Buckley New York

Daniel Foster

Launched Name OM NM Owner Port
1853 Pride of the Ocean 1525 Cady, Aldrich & Reid Providence, RI


Silas Greenman & Son

Launched Name OM NM Owner Port
1852 Island City 700 Stanton & Thompson New Bedford
Old measurement.
New measurement.


Updated 1999-02-07 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1999 Lars Bruzelius.