Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture.
- Reglement. Que le Roi veut & ordonne ętre observé dans la construction des vaisseaux de Sa Majesté, 1670. [In French]
- Reglement sur le conseil de constructiosn, 1671. [In French]
- Reglement. Que le Roi veut & ordonne ętre observé ā l'avenir dans les ports & arsenaux de Marine, pour la construction de ses vaisseaux de guerre, 1673. [In French]
- From Nicolaes Witsen: Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en bestier, 1671:
- Review of Nicolaes Witsen's Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en bestier (1671) from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1671.
- Breaming, 1672 & 1677.
- F. Dassie: L'Architecture navale, 1677. pp 15-29. [In French]
- Review of F. Dassie's L'Architecture navale, avec le Routier des Indes Orientales & Occidentales (1677) from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1677.
- Åke Classon Rålamb: Skeps Byggerij eller Adelig Öfnings Tionde Tom.
Niclas Wankijfs Tryckerij, Stockholm, 1691. [excluding the plates] [In Swedish]
- Lead
sheathing, 1695.
- Register. Vande Hoofd-Stucken in dit Werk begripen from Cornelis van Yk: De Nederlandsche Scheeps-bouw-konst open Gestelt, 1697. [In Dutch]
- Het XIV. Hooft-Deel from Cornelis van Yk: De Nederlandsche Scheeps-bouw-konst open Gestelt, 1697. [In Dutch]
- Navy Board Letter of 4th June, 1716, to the Master Shipwrights at the Various Yards about Models.
- Christopher Polhem: Ett Experiment eller Prof hwar med Skeps-bygnaden kan befodras., 1717. An early proposal for tank testing of ship models. [In Swedish]
- From Sutherland's Prices of the Shipbuilding Adjusted being the second part of Britain's Glory: or, Shipbuilding Unvail'd, 1717:
- Emanuel Swedenborg: Modus mechanice explorandi virtues & Qualitates diversi generis & constructiones navigiorum, from Methodu Nova inveniendi longitudines locorum Terrâ Marique ope Lunæ, 1721. [In Latin]
- Preface to Thomas von Rajalin: Nödig Underrättelse om Skiepz-Byggeriet, 1730. [In Swedish]
- Dödresning,
from Thomas Rajalin: Nödig Underrättelse om Skieps-Byggeriet, 1730. [In Swedish]
- Förbindning,
from Thomas Rajalin: Nödig Underrättelse om Skieps-Byggeriet,
1730. [In Swedish]
- Rajalin on
Rudders, 1730. [In Swedish]
- Om Skeppens tyngd och rymd uti Watnet by Gilbert Sheldon, 1741. [In Swedish]
- Gilbert Scheldon: Om centro gravitatis uti et Skep, ock om des fördelaktigare ställe, i anseende til skeppets fart, 1742. [In Swedish]
- Christopher Polhem: Ny Method at pröfva lasten i et Skep, til lagom styfhet ock rankning from Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien Handlingar Vol. IV (1743), pp 270-275. [In Swedish]
- Pehr Elvius: Undersökning huru vida jämnvigts-punctens belägenhet kan giöra et skepp lättare eller svårare, at segla snedt för vinden from Kongl. Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar Vol. VIII (1747), pp 226-230. [In Swedish]
- Pehr Elvius: Om Mechanismen uti Skeppens fart, och den underättelse man deraf hafver hämtat, för Skeppens byggnad och styrande from Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar Vol. VIII (1747), pp 240-250. [In Swedish]
- Gilbert Sheldon: Beskrifning på en Lyfthvals, hvarmed träbygnader, skepp och andra grofva tyngder kunna uplyftas from Kungl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar Vol. VIII (1747), pp 43-46. [In Swedish]
- Gilbert Sheldon: Von der Schwere eines Schiffs im Wasser, und dem Raume, den es darinnen einnimmt, 1750. [In German]
- Gilbert Sheldon: Vom Mittelpuncte der Schwere in einem Schiffe, und dessen vortheilhafter Stellung, in Absicht auf die Fahrt des Schiffes, 1750. [In German]
- Gilbert Sheldon: Et
lätt Sätt, at förfärdiga Skeps-Modeller, 1751.
[In Swedish]
- Johan Acrell: Ny inrättning af Pumpar, hvar uti alsintet Läder brukas from Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, 1752. [In Swedish]
- P. Bouguer: Solutions des principaux problémes de la manœuvre des vaisseaux, 1754. [In French. Requires support for MathML]
- P. Bouguer: Second mémoire sur les principaux problemes de la manœuvre des vaisseaux, 1755. [In French. Requires support for MathML]
- Carl Sheldon: De subversione navium, 1757. [In Latin]
- Duhamel du Monceau: Schets van het werk from Grondbeginselen van den scheepsbouw, 1759. [In Dutch]
- af Chapman: [Förklaring till ritningarna i Architectura navalis mercatoria], 1768. [In Swedish]
- af Chapman: [Description des plans dans l'Architectura navalis mercatoria], 1768. [In French]
- le Chevalier de Borda: Mémoire sur les pompes from Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences Année M. DCCLXVIII. Avec les Mémoires de Mathématique & de Physique, pour la męme Année (1770), pp 418-431. [In French; Requires MathML]
- Du Hamel du Monceau: Expériences pour connoître la force des bois from Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences Année M. DCCLXVIII. Avec les Mémoires de Mathématique & de Physique, pour la męme Année (1770), pp 534-537. [In French]
- Chapman: Beskrifning öfver de Ritningar, som finnas uti Architectura Navalis Mercatoria. Chapter 12 from Tractat om Skepps-Byggeriet, 1775. [In Swedish]
- Des
Frégates, excerpt from Du Maitz de Goimpy: Traité sur la construction des vaisseaux, 1776. [In French]
- Review of Leonard Euler's A Compleat Theory of the Construction and Properties of Vessels (1778) from The Monthly Review; or, Literary Journal. Vol. LVIII., 1778.
- Round-headed
Rudder, 1779.
- Early iron boat, 1787.
- Lars Bogeman: Bref, rörande den i år anstälde Prof-Seglingen emellan de begge Svenska Linie-Skeppen Sophia Magdalena och Gustaf Adolph, 1787. [In Swedish].
- Klinteberg, Fred. Lud.: Försök till Swar på den i Stockholms Posten N:o 199 d. 27 Aug. 1788, framstälte Fråga: Hvilket är det lämpeligaste och minst kostsamma sätt til de Swenske nu brukelige Ost-Indiefarares inredande till Krigsbruk? from Ny Journal uti Hushållningen, 1790. [In Swedish]
- Hagerman, Carl Christian: Försök till Beswarande på den i Stockholms Posten N:o 199 d. 27 Augusti 1788 upgifne Fråga: Om nu brukelige Ost-Indiska Compagniets Skepp möjeligen kunna bestyckas till Krigsbruk eller egit förswar from Ny Journal uti Hushållningen, 1790. [In Swedish]
- Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Royal Naval Academy to examine M.V. du Clairbois' translation of Mr. Chapman's "Treatise on Ship-Building", from A Collection of Papers on Naval Architecture, 1791.
- The Quantity of Timber supplied from each of His Majesty's Forests from The Eleventh Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Enquire into the State and Condition of the Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues of the Crown, 1792.
- F.H. af Chapman: Physiska Rön, Om det motstånd, kroppar lida, som föras rätt fram genom Vatnet; anstälde År 1794, i Jun. Jul. och Augusti Månader, 1795.
[In Swedish. Requires support for MathML]
- Description of, and
Remarks on, an Alteration in the Heads of Ships, proposed by John Hallett,
Esq., 1801.
- A New Bow of Ships, William Playfair, 1801.
- On the Mode of Improving the Navy by Gabriel Snoddgrass. From Naval Chronicle Vol. V (1801).
- Appendix, No. II.
Extracts from the Eleventh Report of the Commissioners of the Land
revenue, and of the Appendix to that Report.
- Appendix, No. V.
Letter from Mr. Snodgrass to the Admiralty Board, dated Feb. 13,
- Appendix, No. VI.
Letter from Mr. Snodgrass to the Society for Improvement of Naval
- Appendix, No. VIII.
Copy of a Letter from Captain Lowis to Mr. Snoddgrass, respecting the Ship
"Woodcot", July 4, 1795.
- Coudraye: Den ualmindelige bygningsmaade af Skibet: Svar-Til-Alt 500 Franske læster drægtig, bygget i Kjöbenhavn aar 1798 og 99 from Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrivter, 1801. [In Danish]
- Johan Nylander M:son's comment on Kongl. Finska Hushålls Sällskapets prisfråga, hwilka äro de hinder, som fjettra finska landtmannens idoghet? och hwilka medel etc., 1805. On the use of dry or green wood for building ships. [In Swedish]
- Anonymous: Widare undersöknng om skepps byggnad af rått eller af torrt wirke, 1805. A reply to the preceeding item. [In Swedish]
- Review of Johan Nylander M:son's Skeppsredaren och köparen uti Norrbottniska wiken., 1805. [In Swedish]
- David Steel ed.: The Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture (1805):
- Prices of Ship Building, by Contract. From the year 1702 to 1805. From the Nautical Chronical, Vol. 18 (1807), pp 285-286.
- Lord Stanhope's Improvement in Naval Architecture. From the Nautical Chronical, Vol. 18 (1807), pp 374-375.
- Lars Bogeman: Föreskrift vid Nybyggnaden af Canon-Jullar, byggde på Cravel af Ek eller Fur, 1808. [In Swedish]
- Lars Bogeman: Föreskrift vid nybyggnaden af en öppen canon-slup, byggd af furu på cravell, 1808. [In Swedish]
- Lars Bogeman: Föreskrift vid nybyggnaden af en öppen canon-slup, byggd af eke på cravell, 1808. [In Swedish]
- Description of the Head of the Danish Ship Norge.
Nautical Chronical, Vol. 21 (1809), p 457.
- Robert Seppings: On the great strength given to Ships of War by the application of Diagonal Braces, 1818.
- Robert Seppings: On a New Principle of Constructing Ships in the Mercantile Navy, 1820.
- Mark Beaufoy:
Remarks on the Construction of Vessels, 1824.
- Humphry Davy: Further researches on the preservation of metals by electrochemical means, from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1825.
- John Fincham:
An Introductory Outline of the Practice of Shipbuilding, 1825. On hogging of ships.
- Review of Essays and Gleanings on Naval Architecture and Nautical Economy, 1827.
- Peter Hedderwick: A Treatise on Marine Architecture, 1830:
- pp 157-161 —
Rules for the Dimensions and Proportions.
- p 169 — On the Position of the Midship or Dead-flat Frame.
- pp 217-218 — On the Planking.
- pp 221-223 — On Whole-Moulding.
- p 284 — Treenailing & Sheer-planks.
- pp 284-285 — Planking the Bottom.
- pp 292 — Water-Ways.
- p 296 — The best material for decks.
- pp 302-310 — Windlass.
- pp 310-314 — Capstan.
- pp 314-315 — Winch.
- pp 323-324 — Steering Apparatus
- p 324 — Channels.
- pp 324-325 — The Chains.
- pp 329-331: Coppering.
- pp 342-343: On Launching Vessels whose Bottoms are coppered on the Stocks.
- George Frederick Muntz: An improved "manufacture of metal plates for sheathing the bottoms of ships or other such vessels", 1832.
- George Frederick Muntz: An improved manufacture of bolts and other the like fastenings, 1832.
- Der Ablauf eines Schiffes vom Stapel (Launching) nach französischer Art. Klawitter: Vorlege-Blätter für Schiff-Bauer (1835), pp 24-25. [In German]
- Ablauf der Schiffe vom Stapel nach der dänischen und englischen Methode.. Klawitter: Vorlege-Blätter für Schiff-Bauer (1835), pp 26-27. [In German]
- Instruction hvarefter den från . . . Station beordrade Constructions-Officer har sig att rätta, vid nu förestående utsyning och utstämpling, i grund af Konungens Befallningshafvandes i . . . Län särskilt gifne samt beviljade styck. Resolutioner af . . . styck. Ekar till fällning för . . . styck. Åboer, 1845. [In Swedish]
- Cabrestantefrom Timoteo O-Scanlan: Cartilla practica de construccion naval, 1847. [In Spanish]
- George Frederick Muntz: The manufacture of sheathing metal, 1846.
Christophers' 3rd Improvement, 1850. Fastening of frames.
Christophers' 4th Improvement, 1850. A new method of fastening beams.
Christophers' 7th Improvement, 1850. A deck in two thicknesses.
- Christophers' 13th Improvement, 1850. Improved treenail.
Christophers' 16th Improvement, 1850. Placing of hawse-holes.
Christophers' 17th Improvement, 1850. Strengthening of the keel.
Christophers' 18th Improvement, 1850. Iron pillars.
Christophers' 19th Improvement, 1850. Iron pump-well.
Christophers' 25th Improvement, 1850. Temporary rudder.
- From Fincham's Outline of Ship-Building in Four Parts (1852):
- The Best Form of
Sailing Vessels from The U.S. Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal
Vol. IV (1855), pp 108-109.
- A Model Cotton Ship from The U.S. Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal Vol. IV (1855), pp 244-247.
- Carl Gustaf Witt: Om de materialier som användas i skeppsbyggnad, 1857. [In Swedish]
Taylerson's Diagonal Principle of Iron Ship Building, 1859.
- Introduction to Kierkegaard's Praktisk skeppsbyggnadskonst (1864). [In Swedish]
- Charles F.T. Young: Chronology of iron ships. Chapter 3 from The Fouling and Corrosion of Iron Ships: Their Causes and Means of Prevention, with Mode of Application to the Existing Iron-Clads, 1867.
- Charles F.T. Young: Sheathing, Chapter 4 from The Fouling and Corrosion of Iron Ships: Their Causes and Means of Prevention, with Mode of Application to the Existing Iron-Clads, 1867.
- From Peacock & Buchan's Established Compositions for Iron, Wood, Coppered or Zinced Vessels, Yachts, Barges, Boats, Buoys, Beacons, Piles, &c., 1874:
- Salting from Lloyd's Rules & Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Vessels, 1891.
- TABLE A. Exhibiting the Number of Years to be assigned to the different descriptions of Timber used in Ships, 1891. From Rules & Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Vessels, 1891.
- Whipstaff, excerpts from 1584, 1688 and 1702.
Fastenings: Bolts, treenails, and spikes.
Updated 2009-11-12 by Lars Bruzelius.
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